Thursday, September 12, 2013

Manufacturing ProcessesReview

The revised and updated second edition of this book gives an in-depth presentation of the basic principles and operational procedures of general manufacturing processes. It aims at assisting the students in developing an understanding of the important and often complex interrelationship among various technical and economical factors involved in manufacturing.

The book begins with a discussion on material properties while laying emphasis on the influence of materials and processing parameters in understanding manufacturing processes and operations. This is followed by a detailed description of various manufacturing processes commonly used in the industry. With several revisions and the addition of four new chapters, the new edition also includes a detailed discussion on mechanics of metal cutting, features and working of machine tools, design of molds and gating systems for proper filling and cooling of castings. Besides, the new edition provides the basics of solid-state welding processes, weldability, heat in welding, residual stresses and testing of weldments and also of non-conventional machining methods, automation and transfer machining, machining centres, robotics, manufacturing of gears, threads and jigs and fixtures.

The book is intended for undergraduate students of mechanical engineering, production engineering and industrial engineering. The diploma students and those preparing for AMIE, Indian Engineering Services and other competitive examinations will also find the book highly useful.

Manufacturing Processes

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